Tuesday 10 November 2009

Activity 3 - Annotated Bibliographies

Chitturi, R. (2009). "Emotion by Design: A Consumer Perspective". International Journal of Design, 3(2), 7-17.

This journal concentrates on emotion evoked in consumers towards the product and relationship between them. Chitturi conducts two experiments looking into peoples reactions towards certain products and the emotional experience buying and living with this product evokes. Products are put in one of two categories - a 'utilitarian' being a 'neccessity' and hedonic being a 'luxury'. The article argues the point a 'hedonic product' evokes feelings of delight, but also guilt, especially if the product fails to meet expectations. Likewise a 'utilitarium' product' can evoke feelings of satisfaction and proud but also anger and frustration. These contribute to product, consumer and designer relations that make or break success of a design.

Cronin, A. (2008). "Calculating spaces: cities, market relations and the commercial vitalism of the outdoor advertising industry". Environment and Planning A, v. 40, no.11, 2734-2750.

Based on ethnographic work, this paper examines the market research practices of the outdoor advertising industry in the UK and their commercial production of space.

Desmet, P, Erp, J, Karlsson, M. (2008). Design and Emotional Moves, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book is a series of papers from the International Design and Emotion Conference in Sweden which looks at behavioural patterns of consumers and how this affects the way we buy and use products and the way we live with and in the things we buy.  It demonstrates various testing done on the senses and how this predicts how designs will perform and that visual aesthetics and usability can achieve a rich interaction with design and how the consumer responds to it.

Fogg, B. J. (2009). "The New Rules of Persuasion". RSA Journal, 155 (5538). 24-29.

Persuasive Technology is becoming part of our ordinary experience with social networking in the forms of Facebook etc. This is due to our changing behaviour, culture and the way we live. This journal explains different ways we can be successful in design such as building on small successes and the place and way we work that can potentially make or break a design.

Frascara, J. (2002). Design and the Social Sciences Making Connections, London: Taylor & Francis

Psychology, social sciences, anthropology is essential in creating a great design. This book researches the notions of culture and the relationship between people and the way different kinds of people live, for example religion and different parts of the world. Behavoiur and social factors also contribute to the reason things are designed and the purpose they have. How we react with consumers and clients is vital in Interior Design and this book demonstrates various ways this can be done successfully.

Kress, G, Leeuwen, T. (1996). Reading Images The Grammar of Visual Design, London: Routledge 

In today's world we are more visually literate and this text gives important advice to anymore interested in communication, the media and how this coincides with design. Advertising plays a fundamental part which is explored and how to effectively get your point across. this also develops into looking at  messaging, typography and logos and when and why specific advertising is used, for example it shows war posters and how they can be persuading and biased without the viewer being aware, therefore being a good design despite the fact we might not literally see it with our eyes.

Norman, D. (2004). Emotional Design, New York: Basic Books

Norman questions why we hate or love everyday things in this text. By focusing on our sensory needs which consist of our reflective, behavioural and visceral needs, he proves that attractive things really do work better and how our emotion affects this. For example if we are happy, our muscles are more relaxed and therefore our brains are more open to creative ideas and we are more able to see the bigger picture. Coming from a cognitive scientist's point of view rather than a designer is important as he demonstrates why design should not be confusing and frustrating but why we still yearn for things we technically would not see as a 'good design'.

Sparke, P. (2004). An introduction to design and culture, Oxon: Routledge

Looking bak from post-modern design such as the first hoover etc, to today, Sparke looks how new materials and processes affect the designing of products and the environment. She shows how social periods and movements that have, and will occur, will influence desingers and the way we react to design. Aided by the consumption of everyday goods, services and spaces we as individuals and our identities play an active part in the re-design of the everyday world in which we live in.

Zeisel, J. (1984). Inquiry by Design, Cambridge: Press Syndicate

Research into the relationship between human behaviour and the physical environment. This is a series of short books as a meeting ground to anaylse how environment and behaviour mix together. From a variety of perspectives of architects, psychologists and geologists etc, this text presents interesting facts from all fields of people involved in environmental change. There is alot of research into peoples reaction to environments, for example, not just how we site, but why we sit, what people do when they move into a new home, how do people feel when they sit in an all glass room visible for all to see. Zeisel answers and evaluates these questions in a knowledgeable approach.

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