Sunday, 19 September 2010

Youview - broadcasting plus broadband.. what could this mean?

Furthermore, I came across Youview (formally Project Canvas). Youview is concerned with creating internet-connected television. We have internet on our mobile phones, we watch TV on our phones, so why do we not have internet access on our TV?

Youview want to develop a set of standards open for industry that enables us to have things such as apps, conversations, choice of what we want to watch when we want to watch, aswell as internet access and with potential for more.

Thinking about this, I believe this potential is endless. It could mean sharing stories, teaching, communicating with the rest of the world at the switch of a button. Even more we could become stars of our own TV drama and brilliant quality streaming live potentially for the rest of the world to watch at that time, or any time they want.

Alongside entertainment, this new idea of combining broadcasting and broadband has the oppertunity to chance social spaces and the communication of people throughout the world. More importantly it could enable people to learn and teach where they may not be able to before. For example, someone who is ill, busy with children etc that cannot leave the house, would be able to turn on their TV and stream a programme teaching a specific task, were it be boiling an egg or sewing a hole in a new skirt. This point of being able to teach and learn opens up new choices for many people which could potentially improve their lives and wellbeing.

Take the elderly for example. They are blessed with wisdom and have alot to teach younger generations, although not blessed with the oppertunity to share these skills. Imagine an elderly person who is unable to leave their house, but has fantastic talent in cake decorating. Then imagine mothers who want to create their child the best birthday cake specifically for their child. With a click of the remote control these people can 'meet online on TV' whilst streaming, and the elderly person can show and teach others how to do what they do without leaving their home. Everyone wins - they have an improve self-esteem for sharing something useful, the parents have learnt something new and others can enjoy watching this interactive cooking show. Not to mention the child has a fantastic birthday cake!

If you are interested in YouView;

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