Tuesday, 14 December 2010
InBetween Exhibition
Friday, 3 December 2010
How to sell nothing for everything... Answer = Cereal.
Merry Christmas from Kelloggs |
Choc 'n' Roll |
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Bringing your loved ones to your bedroom
Developing from a previous blog on 'Bringing the world to your Bedroom' I have experimented with not only environments and connecting with others on a 2D wall but now bringing what you want to your environment, enabling you to devise your perfect surroundings in any given space (that has been installed with these LED screens).
The idea enables you to chose from a 'memory bank' of places, products, people... almost anything can be attached to your bank by connecting to the internet. This virtual memory bank takes shape in built in drawers where you activate with touch, opening up the bank to enable you to virtally travel and transform your space.
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People and Possessions |
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Virtually Leaving Home to Teach in another environment |
The 360degree camera follows you in the 'shared' space letting someone visit your space virtually on the walls of your environment. Instead of overwhelming the space with double layered walls, you are able to select what you want to see and what you don't. In this example this lady has chosen her grandchild to visit her, whilst chosing a photograph of her and her husband's wedding.
It doesn't stop here. The oppertunities are endless...for example chosing wallpaper, lighting (a giant chandelier above your bed), and any other objects, scenes you want at that time.
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Pop-up remembering 'app'. |
This is not an answer for going outside. It is simply an option for those unable to go outside, don't want to, or simply want to change their surrounding environments.
More to come..
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
'Sustainability in the Motion Picture Industry' - Key points and arguments
'Pragmatic Sustainability' - a summary
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Bothered about Sustainability in the Film Industry?
NBC Universal Environmental Principles for Film Production |
How can the film industry work in a sustainable but equally successful way?
As a designer we know we need to design for a sustainable future, we need to be 'green', we need to do this, that etc etc etc.
Where does this leave the creative art industry for film/TV?
In our culture the most popular form of leisure time is TV. TV and Films are part of most of our everyday lives, and whatever happens, most people sit down after a hard days work and chill out in front of the 'box'.
I'm interested in what happens behind the scenes, in the making of film, particularly on location.
The EMA (Environmental Media Association) are the largest group advertising and aiding ideas of 'green' filming, with 'green seal guidelines' and a yearly award event which is becoming increasingly well known and popular. Warner Brothers and stars such as Leonardo Dicaprio and many others are showing their concern about climate change. For example The Warner Bros studios have won awards for their 'green' studio practices, including the use of solar power. Dicaprio has also insisted on considering 'greener' options throughout the production of his newest films.
The EMA website has many interesting articles on how sustainability is affecting the Film Industry. At the 2010 Awards solar power was used outside the building to provide energy for the ceremony, and a green carpet was laid out for the 'green minded stars'.
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Solar panel outside the EMA Awards |
Film production expends a huge amount of energy, and the need for it to be done quickly, effectively, efficiently and inexpensively on the whole, mean it if often difficult to use processes and equipment that is deemed sustainable. Locational film setting also means travel to and from studios which creates an enormous amount of CO2.
Is it new technologies that need to be designed to combat these problems? Or is it our working behaviour and attitude that should change? There are increasingly more businesses developing green practices to film, including NBC Universal Environment, Green Screen and PGA Green Does the process of filming motion pictures need to be adapted so more filming is done in the studio, less carting around to far away sites, less equipment.
Less extravagant design? Will this lose effectiveness of films when they reach us at the cinema? Will film companies be willing to accept this in order to sustain our world?
Peoples wants, needs and the 'in-between'
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Maslow's Heiracy of Needs |
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Are we becoming Barbie stuck in our box? |
Friday, 5 November 2010
Learn through Life
Constantly we are learning. Consciously or subconsciously.
All around us people are learning and teaching.
Throughout our lives we learn in different ways, from being very young and learning the principles of life through structural learning and developing into more indepth learning. As our learning becomes more complex, we learn about ourselves, who we are and who we want to be.
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Making in process. 'Looking Back on Learning' |
The process of learning through life was split up into 7 stages and represented through use of material to express developments:
1. Birth - finger knitted white wool
2. Baby - handprints of individuals identities
3. Play - Pleated strips of pipe cleaners showing experimentation through touch.
4. Primary School - Letters and numbers, structured visual learning.
5. High School - Patchworked clothes and plastic bags showing interests and becoming your own person.
6. University - Weaved essay notes and magazines, the balance between work and play. Relationships and skills becoming deeper intwined.
7. Life - Bamboo strips tightly tied and randomly sprawled show some structure and other chaos, responsibility and uniqueness of each person.
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University Weave |
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Bamboo Life |
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Exhibition |
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Quick, easy Mind-Mapping for Dissertation
Through the quick brainstorming I created a few mind-maps - one on the broad topic of Climate Change and one focusing on water, weather and the affects on the sea and environments for people and animals.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Global Warming... are we actually to blame? And are we going to go up in flames?
Friday, 15 October 2010
V & A to Shape our Community for the Future?
Image of proposed site of V and A situated on the banks of the River Tay
As a design student in Dundee, the plans for the extended V and A Museum coming to our city is an exciting move I await with much anticipation. The people of and around Dundee, including students, councils, designers and the general public are showing the same intrigue - 700 people a day have visited the 'V and A: Making it Happen' Exhibition at Abertay University, showing the six finalist design proposals for the museum.
So far over 10,000 visitors have shown interest in the project. Evidence shown through media and community response, this can hopefully discouraged the question - 'Is this going to be the next Geelong disaster?' (where a new Guggenheim was promised to Geelong city where plans fell through at the last minute and no spectacular building was constructed.)
Last night, Kylie Messenger, author of 'Museums - Cutting Edge Culture for the 21st Century', gave a lecture about how museums are the new 'cathedral of culture' in towns and cities, a place where the community come together to collect culture in all forms, solve problems wether it social, political etc, get involved in social engagement and have fun! Not only does the new V and A have goals of improving social and political situations, it is simultaneously designed to encourage urban regeneration of around the space on the Riverside, therefore increasing community well-being, through things like employment and education.
The chosen design for the museum has to successfully create a cultural centre space for culture, debate which will become a talking point in both the community and further afield. Other museums have proven how an immensely good affect this can have on the space around it, for example Te Papa Museum of New Zealand in Wellington. The design, sympathetic to the environment around, including the sea likewise to the V and A location, encouraged community art and culture to grow around the Museum building itself.
As judge Graham Hutton stated the V and A Dundee has an amazing potential in becoming a 'constantly replenishing space' that leaves traces as parts of our city and shape our public culture. This need for creativity and culture has never been greater and through the blurring of disciplinary boundaries of the architecture itself, what is being exhibited, the city around and the community involved.
The V and A Dundee has high hopes for creating 'delight and enjoyment in the Design World to enrich peoples lives' (Kylie Message), and our community seems to be behind it all the way.
For news and events on the developments of the V and A Dundee visit;
Monday, 11 October 2010
'Bring the World to your Bedroom'
What do elderly people want? Wants are often disregarded. Through researching and talking to residents of a carehome it became apparent they want to be listened to, they want to communicate, and they want to teach and learn. The elderly have wisdom only gained through age. Being sociable is proven to improve self-esteem, wellbeing and health. This is often difficult for people living on their own, in carehomes or in a hospital.
The idea of ‘Bringing the World to your Bedroom’ is about enabling the person to access and communicate with the world through different environments. This means, through the merging of virtual and real world, people can not only leave their home space (in sense), but the world can come in, enabling communication between friends, family or anyone of your choice. For example, through webcam the elderly person could be streamed telling a story or teaching to be broadcasted to a classroom. This would work both ways, encouraging socialising, learning and being in a new environment without having to leave the comfort and safety of the bed.
research of Ideas
Playing with the merging of the virtual and real worlds through technology and projection, we can link physical space with digital information to combine two physical spaces stitched with digital networks.
Furniture and technology
By 2030, 25% of the population will be over 65, and these future generations who are people accustomed to advanced technology, internet, social networking etc. Who should say we should not be excited about growing older, to be able to communicate with the world without leaving the comfort of our own homes?
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Environmental Sustainability and Design
Environmental Sustainability and Design
Liberty Thompson
Interior and Environmental Design
Over the past five decades environmental sustainability has become an increasing issue for society due to our overuse of the world’s natural sources of energy and materials. In the “Bill of Rights for the Planet”, William McDonough Architects stated that ‘placing environmental and social sustainability at the core of practices and professional responsibilities’’ should be top priority for designers today (Braungart, McDonough, 2009, pg. 25). ‘By 2050 it is likely that the world will double it’s demand for energy’ (Edward, 2010) meaning we have to find renewable sources to use instead of finite natural materials. Use of the Earths natural sources, like wind, rain and sun are increasingly being used in design and engineering to create sustainable and environmentally friendly spaces. Climate change and global warming are visible outcomes of us damaging the environment and proves it is vital to make social, political and economical changes to save the planet. Sustainable Environmental Design would mean creating a standard of buildings that emit zero carbon without the extra cost (Hardy, 2008). Not only do we need to design for now, but also for the unknown changes and problems that will arise in the future.
The first record of Environmental Sustainability in design was in Ancient Greece in 500BC who used solar power for heating in their buildings. Their study of the sun pattern influenced the layout of buildings to face the south so they could receive most sunlight. This developed the grid like layout of towns and cities, an idea still used in design today.
In the 19th century ‘nature itself was perceived as “mother earth” who, perpetually regenerative, would absorb all things and continue to grow’ (McDonough, 2008, pg. 25). Society was unaware natures sources were finite.
The Industrial Revolution meant increased mass production in products, architecture, population and factory life. Natural capital of materials like ore, timber, water and natural gases were used in disregard to the fact they would run out (Braungart, McDonough, 2009). Aswell as this the booming industry meant rapid increase in pollution from factories and new transport like cars etc, causing irreversible damage. The environment was being used as a ‘dustbin’ (Hardy, 2008). Carbon consumption rose due to increase in population and availability of new technology at an affordable price. People were unaware of the damage societies’ consumerism had, buying and throwing away without any consideration to the affect it was having on the environment. Recycling and reusing was not deemed important. In the US, it is said that over 90% of materials used to products becomes waste almost instantly (McDonough, 2008). Even today when we have more knowledge, every individual creates 3-4 pounds of waste a day of a variety of products. In The Rough Guide to Sustainability it states that one quartre of mobile phones are disregarded each year (Edward, 2010). Over many years immense amount of waste has collected in boglands and landfills across the world, damaging the ozone layer contributing to global warming.
Global Warming and climate change has brought many problems to the environment and peoples’ lives. Natural disasters such as tsunamis, droughts and flooding have become more frequent, with devastating outcomes for people and animals.
Images of the Emergency Sandbag Shelter (anon, 1999-2010)
Designers have had to develop strategies to aid people, animals and their habitats in these situations. The Emergency Sandbag Shelters are small habitats designed as a quick, sustainable and efficient response to natural disasters. using war materials of sandbags and barbed wire along with locally sourced materials, these structures ‘utilise the most available material in the world. Earth’ as stated by Nader Khalili (Cal-Earth, 1999-2010). Although designs like these would never have been needed if people hadn’t harmed our world, this simple but effective design proves it is possible to be carbon neutral and sustainable even in the worst conditions.
Global warming is the build up of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere due to our demanding cultures (McDonough, 2008). It has been affecting our climate in various ways, making summers hotter, wetter weather, altered sea patterns and shifting in seasons. Not only does this mean more sever storms and flooding, but therefore destroys living environments for people and animals. Species have died out, or are dying out because of this.
Changes towards sustainability of the environment have been happening over the past five decades. Society has become more aware to the importance of maintaining a healthy environment. Political focus in the 1970s was on reducing energy scarcity, in 1980s global warming was societies main concern and in 2000s, sustainability and design for health and poverty were recognised as our biggest issue in need of help (Edwards, 2010).
Design and Environmental Sustainability
Although all fields of design should consider the environment through their process and production, architects, urban, industrial, interior and landscape designers play a huge role in developing an environmentally sustainable future to the way we live. To do this thought has to go into every aspect of the design, from the materials to how the design is used on a day-to-day basis. Consideration has to go into what happens to it after it’s main purpose has been met (Braungart, McDonough, 2009). Architects and engineers have to recognise the need to use renewable energy sources as 75% of non-renewable energy is used in building construction. Air, water, wind and sunlight all have the potential to be used in design as renewable energy, which would reduce the carbon footprint. Designers’ and engineers alongside have created new technologies that do this. Use of these natural sources is becoming more common with technologies such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and using geothermal energy. The Solar Wind Pavilllion by Micheal Iantzen uses wind power, solar energy and reuses rainwater to create a fully sustainable and environmentally friendly hang out space without missing out on new technologies – this having 360degree projection screen.
Elavation diagram showing The Solar Wind Pavillions design. (Heimbuch, 2007)
Advancing technologies are resulting in more environmentally friendly architecture. This suggests great potential for the future. An example of this is the Smarthouse. The technology and design mean you are in complete control of your carbon and energy expenditure to reduce it. Ironically however, new technology such as 3D printers and lazer cutters expend more energy (Hardy, 2008).
Smarthome and it’s energy system. (Heimbuch, 2008)
Not only single housing designs are considering energy expenditure, but towns and cities are developing as completely sustainable habitats. Techniques like the Smart Growth theory which works to avoid urban sprawl and keeps everything in walkable or cycleable distances to reduce carbon consumption. A variety of housing options are available and only local sources are used to create a community that share, reuse and recycle. In the new energy strategy ‘Zero Carbon Britain’ it is said it is possible to cut our expenditure of carbon from 637tonnes per year, to zero by 2030 (Kemp, M., et al, 2010). These strategies amongst others contribute to this.
Other aspects of sustainable architecture include greentop houses, greenhouses, raised housing (to protect from flooding), air channelling designs, sky and LED lighting, more efficient use of natural light and grey water recycling amongst others. At the World Summit of Sustainable Development 2002, it was promised there would be an increased effort in the development of solar power systems, clean energy technologies being used and fuel poverty decreased by half (Edwards, 2010).
Environmental design is defined by actions that affect the social and built landscape (Manzini and Vezzol, 2008). In the ‘Call for Tectonics’, the authors state the need for;
… ‘new materials and organisational tectonics capable of both anticipating and coping with the future. This co-evolution of environments and buildings will affect our spatial, social, economic and political situations.’ (Manzini and Vezzol, 2008, pg. 15).
Architects, designers and engineers have ethical responsibility for future generations to enable them to be able to cope and develop new strategies for carbon reduction, waste prevention and to enable the maintenance of environmentally sustainable lifestyles.
American Society of Landscape Architects, 2010. Sustainability Toolkit: Environmental Models [online} Available at: http://www.asla.org/ContentDetail.aspx?id=26060 [Accessed 30 September 2010].
Basantani, M., (2007), Solar Wind Pavilion by Michael Jantzen, Inhabit –Green Design Will Save the World, [image online], Available from: http://www.inhabitat.com/2007/12/27/solar-wind-pavilion/ [Accessed 30 September 2010].
Braungart, M. and McDonough, W. (2009), Cradle to Cradle. Remaking the way we make things’, London: Vintage.
Cote, R., Shu-Yang, F., and Freedman, B., (2004). Principles and practice of ecological design’, Environmental Reviews. 12: 97-112.
Edwards, B. (2010), Rough Guide to Sustainability. 3rd Edition’, London: RIBA Publishers.
Edited by Hardy, S. (2008), Environmental Tectonics: Forming Climate Change’, London: AA Publishers.
Heimbuch, J., (2008), Agilewaves Shows Off User-Friendly Home Energy, [image online], Available from: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/09/agilewaves-shows-off-user-friendly-home-energy-monitoring-system-at-wcg-2008.php. [Accessed 30 September 2010].
Kemp, M., et al, (2010), Carbon Zero Britain 2030, Wales: CAT Publications.
Monitoring System at WCG 2008 Showhouse, [image online], Available from:http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/09/agilewaves-shows-off-user-friendly-home-energy-monitoring-system-at-wcg-2008.php [Accessed 2 Oct 2010)
Manzini, C. and Vezzoli, E. (2008), Design for Environmental Sustainability, Italy: Zanichelli editore SpA.
Anon, (2009) Sustainable Design, Climate Change and The Built Environment. Architecture and the Built Environment, London. Available from: http://www.cabe.org.uk/files/sustainable-design-and-climate-change.pdf [Oct 1 2010].
Anon, 2008, Cities and Climate Change Adaption, Seville. Available from:
http://www.unhabitat.org/downloads/docs/5883_19704_Cities%20and%20Climate%20Change%20Adaptation.pdf. [Accessed 1 October 2010].
Anon, (1999-2010), Emergency Sandbag Shelter. A spin off from Khalili’s Lunar/Planetary Habitat. California: Cal-Earth Inc./ Geltaftan Foundation. Available from: http://calearth.org/building-designs/emergency-sandbag-shelter.html [Accessed 1 October 2010].
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wikis to the Changing Society
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Environmental Sustainability and Design
Although there is no definition as such of Environmental Sustainability and Design as yet, it is one of the most important aspects to designing today. Politicians, engineers, biologists, designers and many of society are thinking about environmental sustainability and trying to incorporate into their everyday lives.
Research into Environmental Sustainability and how it affects design today proved how important it is and that each designer today has to consider such a thing whether it be designing a boutique hotel or a tub of Nutella. Through this research I created a Mindmap to understand the broad topic 'Environment' suggests, and how evident it is in society.
Beginning to investigate designs for environmental sustainability opened my eyes to the new ideas and technologies that exist and are being incorporated into simple designs of everyday objects and places. Simply look around your room and without knowing, you are sure to have/or using something, designed to try to save the planet..
Every little helps!